Why Doesn't Daddy Feel So Well?
By: Rick Kelley
This book chronicles the story of my family as we went through a very challenging time. We were an everyday American family living in Indiana.My wife and I were married in the late ’90’s and our marriage started out perfectly.We were blessed with a beautiful brunette doe-eyed daughter.Exactly two years later we were blessed with a bouncing blonde haired, blue-eyed son. All was going well until the economy took a downturn in the mid-90’s. I was self employed an eventually wound up losing my business and my home. As times got tougher, I turned to alcohol to ease my pain. I spent five or six long years both suffering and trying to pull myself together. I hit rock-bottom and almost gave up. Then, my family and my faith gave me a huge burst of faith. I went to Alcoholics Anonymous along with several other non-12 step programs. Eventually, along with the support of my family in spite of my failures to them an myself, called on God, Alanon, Alateen, and AA to help me get myself together. It was a long journey, but it has been so worth it. Without my family, friends, AA, Alanon, and Alateenk we would have never made it. We were maid whole again by our faith in the programs, our faith in ourselves and our faith in God has gotten us all through. We all follow our programs to the letter, and our programs have kept every promise to us to the letter. This is a straighforward book about journey upon which my family and I embarked so many years ago that has granted us more peace and reunification beyond what any of us have ever imagined. We walk in grace, live in peace and try to do the next right thing as a family and individuals. Blessing to all who read these passages.